Thursday, June 18, 2009

Crochet Project

The other day I mentioned my crochet project and said that I would post a picture of it but then I wandered away and forgot all about it.

Okay, that isn't true. I wasn't feeling well so I basically laid in bed feeling like crud. I didn't forget though and so, I bring you, the long awaited Crochet project.

Oh, I'm sorry. You can't tell what it is? Okay, does this help?

Here it is pictured next to my beautiful Camelbak water bottle. Now, I went to a sporting goods store to buy this bad boy and I spent a good deal more than I would usually pay for a water bottle with the intention that it would last much longer and I would use it all the time. Especially as I try to be a healthier person and drink more water.

Well, I do use it all the time and I absolutely love it. But... (you knew that was coming, didn't you?)

I like my water cold. I pour refrigerated water from my Brita pitcher into the bottle. Often with ice but the issue is that the ice melts pretty much IMMEDIATELY. I hate that. Then the water is warm right away.

What does this have to do with my crochet project?

Aha! It's a water bottle cover. I'm hoping it will keep the bottle from sweating everywhere as well as keeping the ice from melting in 5 minutes.

We will have to wait and see if it actually works. I see that they now sell the stainless steel ones though and insulated stainless steel ones so we will have to check that out if it doesn't work as well as I hope.

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