Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Finished Socks

Not a stitch was knit yesterday and very little else was done. I unpacked some more boxes and I made a nice dinner and that was about it. Hubby works the evening shift on Mondays and Tuesdays and I swear, it throws my whole schedule off for the whole day.

Today I managed to get up by 10:00am (I told you my schedule was off) and by the time I got hubby out the door for work and finished my to-do list for the day (and that's creating the list, not actually doing it.) I was hopped up on coffee and it was 1:00 in the afternoon.

I did finally take some finished project pictures so let's take a look at those:

These are the finished Feather & Fan Socks from Socks, Socks, Socks. They are knit up in Trekking XXL Sock yarn. I love Trekking yarn but this pattern of yarn was very different than those I've used before. If I had been doing a plain stockinette sock, I don't think I would have liked them at all. The pattern is beautiful and with a 2-row pattern repeat, easy to learn so you don't have to constantly look at the chart. I find that the socks themselves ended up a little tight so that they kinda stretch to get over my heel. Once on though, they look wonderful and wear beautifully and comfortably. I will definitely knit this pattern again. (The tightness of them may be due to the fact that I knit quite tightly.)

What else? Oh yeah, my Vanilla Swirl Socks:

These are knit with some Sockotta Sock yarn that I've had lying around for a couple of years. They're knit up in a basic Stockinette Sock but I added a band of ribbing around the foot to prevent them from bunching and falling down. They look ridiculous just sitting there but they fit very well. I honestly haven't had a lot of problem with hand-knit socks falling down or bunching but they are a preventative measure. The colors look kinda goofy together but I still love the socks.

Tomorrow, the photo shoot of hubby's new socks.

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