Things are a bit rough right now as my husband and I deal with some heavy family stuff. I don't really want to go into details here but suffice to say that I'm spending much of my time driving back and forth to his family.
I am trying to participate in the Tour de Fleece this year though so Saturday morning when I got up I wiped down my wheel, cleaning off at least a year's worth of dust and dirt and re-oiled it then prepped my fiber and started to spin this lovely bit of business that has been in my stash for ages.It's Freckle Face Fibers Superwash BFL in Guinevere. I purchased it from someone's destash years ago and it has been languishing ever since. partly because I am not particularly fond of spinning BFL anymore. I liked it when I was first starting and the longer staple length made for easier spinning but I tend to make it too dense now and I'm always disappointed by the yardage I get. Since this is Superwash I decided to give it a try anyway and split the braid lengthwise, then drafted one of the balls I wound up from the split and started spinning. I'm thinking it will make beautiful socks and I am hoping for something that will work to knit into socks. We'll see how it shapes up.
The biggest trouble for me right now is time. When I am at home I'm often too tired to do anything more than wash my face and collapse into bed. But I am trying to find a few minutes to spin here and there. And maybe that's all my goal needs to be this year, just try to find a few minutes for spinning each day.