Sometimes I say things to myself like: I should wait to make a new blog post until I finish that project and have something to show.
Then I don't, so no post gets written.
Or: You should really do the dishes before you sit down to knit. And then I don't get any knitting time at all.
It seems to be a recurring theme with me. The feeling that I have to have things done before I can "reward" myself with some down time. But the thing is, there's always more to do. There's always 10 more things to add to my to do list and 15 more things I "should get done" also.
At the end of the day, I still find myself sitting down for a bit and listening to an audio book or reading or watching TV. Something where I enjoy a bit of time but I guess I'm not allowing myself to use that time for knitting if I don't feel like I got "enough" done that day.
I really don't want to be that way to myself. Knitting is soothing to me (mostly, there are those frustrating projects that make you want to shred the yarn with your teeth of course) and something that helps me relax and rest. Which we all need. You can't do the work you need to do if you are so exhausted you can't move or end up sick because you haven't gotten enough rest.
So I'm going to try to remind myself this week that sitting down to knit is a good thing. A necessary thing for my mental health. And something I want to do. So I'm going to do it.
Especially since May is Mental Health Awareness month and I know all of us, even those who don't suffer with mental illness, could use a little focus on ourselves and doing something that makes us happy once in awhile.
How about you? Is there something you're keeping from yourself that you use as a mental health break? Is there a way you can change your thinking about it so you don't feel guilty about taking that time for yourself?
I will be focusing on allowing myself to rest when I need to rest and often, that will include some knitting.