Monday, February 28, 2011


Things have been pretty insane around here and unfortunately that means the blog got a wee bit neglected. Time to dust off the cobwebs and get something posted right?

Well, the knitting hasn't been languishing too much, despite the crazy schedule. As a matter of fact, in order to maintain my sanity, I've been trying to finish a few things that have been marinating in the work-in-progress pile for awhile.
I finished a pair of socks but they are currently in the wash because I've already worn them. I am usually so excited to have new socks that they don't make it to the wash before they get worn at least once. Trust me, it's better if you wait and see these clean. They have a story all their own.

I also dug out my texting mittens. The ones I was knitting to match my clapotis. I had one completely finished and the other one just needed the outer mitten section. My hands were cold, why was I waiting?

I absolutely love them (now that they are finished. The end-weaving, even though I did it as I went for the most part was still pretty daunting)
They look all normal here but...

They have a little secret.

I also went crazy for lace-knitting, because when you have very little knitting time and your schedule is crazy what you really need is intricate, beaded lace.

So here we have it, a first glimpse of my In Dreams shawl. I'm in the middle of Clue 2 right now and so far the pattern is absolutely amazing. The beads are fiddly of course but well worth the work to get them in.

This one is a little bit more accurate color-wise. The yarn is dyed by my wooly friend Lisa. Her shop can be found here. It's an amazing laceweight in golden yellows and I love it. It reminds me of sunshine and springtime.

I am pretty crazy about the idea of the shawl thing too because I started a plain garter stitch one too with some handspun I had lying around.

So far it's turning out great. It's close to half done. I have 8 ounces and almost 4 have been knit into it now.

Whew, that's enough for now so I'm off to spend a little time with my poor neglected spinning wheel too.