Thursday, April 06, 2017

Onward I Knit

I managed to finish my Disco Superfly socks the other night at Knit Night.
I really love how they turned out.
They're just plain socks knit on size 0 needles with 80 stitches around. The fun is in the yarn which was a special Knitterly Things anniversary colorway with 12 stripes! It's sparkly too. I actually reversed the order of the yarn so it would stripe opposite on the second sock but I found that it has so many colors it's not noticeable at all. I love them though and I can't wait to actually wear my new sparkly socks!
I've been loving the plain socks lately and especially the plain, stripey socks so as I was getting close to finished with my Disco Superfly socks, I wound up a nice, springy skein of Vesper in the Iris in Bloom colorway. I finished the Disco Superfly socks on Tuesday evening at Knit Night and cast on the Iris in Bloom socks on Wednesday afternoon.
These will be my plain purse socks that I drag around with me and work on when I'm out and about and have a few minutes so they won't get a lot of action but will eventually be some lovely socks.
Same details on these as on the others. Size 0 needles, 80 stitches around, 15 rounds of 2x2 rib at the top, probably the same slip stitch heel as well.
I kinda feel like I'm in a knitting rut since I just keep knitting plain stripey socks but since I also keep buying stripey yarn, I don't see that changing any time soon. So, I'll just keep knitting onward! At least the colorways are different right?

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