Wednesday, August 22, 2012

As You Wish

I really was undecided about whether to frog the ribbing or not, that's part of why I left it open to a vote. I also thought it would be really fun and to me, it was! I had a blast tallying these votes and it ended up (including a couple of votes in person and a couple on Facebook) that the winner was....
frogging. It would be easy for me to say that's what I was leaning toward now that it's done but really I could not decide.
Now I'm moving on to cast on again.

I will admit that over the last 24 hours I've felt sort of lost. I had cleared so much off my needles that I couldn't decide what to work on with these in limbo. It felt like I didn't have enough projects going. That's a very dangerous sign. Look out for some Startitis. I can feel it coming on right now!

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