Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Slow, Steady and Spring!

The knitting is continuing much in the same way that it has been. Slow and steady. I'm really enjoying everything I'm working on, it just isn't making a ton of progress since I've been working on so many things.

My test-knit is slowly growing. It's turning out just lovely!

I'm not sure how many details I'm supposed to share about this so I will wait and list them at the end. Although I will say that the yarn is ArtYarns Supermerino in Color 138.

I also realized that I haven't posted any pictures of a couple of projects I've been slowly working on. The first were my purse socks until the needles got swiped for the secret project.

They're sitting on 7" needles now and I don't love that length so I haven't been working on them. (I really have enough projects too. I don't need to be working on these.) Also, I apologize for the blurry photo, apparently I've had too much coffee.
These are handspun socks. The fiber is Fiber Optic Yarns Sweet Georgia Brown in Superwash Merino that I purchased from a destash quite awhile ago. I spun and Navajo-plied this yarn and I'm now knitting it on size US 1 needles. I really like how it's turning out. Someday I will get back to these.

Currently my purse socks, which really only get worked on when I'm out somewhere and just need a row or two are these.

The yarn is some lovely Plymouth Yarn Happy Feet in a color I call "Berries" that I got for my birthday a few years ago. Of course, I had to go to the yarn store and pick it out but that still counts as a birthday present.
The pattern is one I heard about while watching old episodes of Round the Twist with Carin. It's called Hermione's Everyday socks and it's a free pattern available on Ravelry. It's a very simple stitch pattern but it makes a lovely textured sock that I am enjoying knitting so much!

Of course, I've been spending lots of time knitting outside because this is a photo of a small portion of my back yard.

Yup, you see that right. It's the first day of Spring and it actually looks like Spring out there. The grass is starting to grow! Of course today it's sort of grey and looks like rain but it's still warm and lovely. I'm going to go and enjoy it for awhile now.

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