Monday, May 23, 2011

Socks and more socks

Lately I've been going a little crazy with all the socks I have on the needles.

The good news? The April socks are done and have fallen into the LOVE category.

I really like the pattern Peaks 'n' Valleys and I've knit it before. The last time it was a cotton yarn and this time it was Panda Silk. Both times for some reason I chose a yarn without stretch but I love this pattern so much (simple to memorize and unique) that I really should knit it again with a lovely cushy wool. I even love that I can wear the socks like above or:

Fold down the cuff to make lovely little ankle socks, much more appropriate with sandals and capri pants (which I live in during the summer).
I didn't love working with the yarn though and I didn't love having a time crunch to knit socks on size 1 needles. I do love the soft drapeiness (is that a word?) of the finished product. I love the soft smooth feel as I slip them on too. All in all, I love the socks.

Why, you may ask, am I focusing on socks that I have finished? Well, because this:

Is all that's done of May's socks. Yup, we're looking at single digits of days left this month and yet, the socks aren't even close. Why? Frogging incident. I was knitting them on 1s as well. The yarn is fine, what can I say, I thought I had forgiven the 1s for April's "Incident". But when I had turned the heel and finished the gussets, I tried it on, as I often do and it was a no-go. It didn't fit. I could get it on, but not very well and it was snug. In a not very nice way.

I'm not thrilled with this yarn in this pattern anyway (Spring Forward which is a lovely pattern but I don't think works as well as I thought it would in Lion Brand Sock-Ease) They are just not calling to me. I'm thinking these may end up being a gift and I can't give socks that don't fit. That would just involve me knitting them again really. And um, OUCH.

What would I rather be working on?

These of course. Some lovely handspun yarn from Funky Carolina. I received this lovely superwash Merino roving at our spinning party last year and spun it into a lovely 2-ply. It was so unusual and I liked it so much that I immediately spun it into a ball and didn't even measure yardage. I'm knitting socks from both ends so I can make them the same length even though they are quite fraternal I love them. They are smooshy and soft and they have a simple and neat looking little cable up the leg. What's that? You can't see the cable?

Here you go:

Don't you just want to grab it and start working on it? But I'm trying to be a good little knitter and finish things, the WIPs in this house are threatening revolt and they greatly outnumber me.

Speaking of finishing things, I never got a chance to blog about the Royal doll I knitted for the local paper. Let's ease into it though and I'll show you just this for today:

It looks like a sort of scary dolly massacre doesn't it? Yup, this was just before I started sewing him up.

More about him later. In the meantime, back to socks.

Whoops, what was that? Hmm, I'm not sure how that got in there, I'm a good little knitter who's going to finish her socks. I'm not going do crazy things like start something else. I'm not sure who you think I am but I'll just be over here waiting for it to be time for me to go teach and knitting my yellow May socks. Yup, May socks all the way. Shhh.

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